by Christie Jordan, founder of Source Healing
Happy Lunar New Year!
Welcome to the dynamic Yang energy of the Wood Dragon. In Chinese mythology, the dragon is a creature that represents power, prosperity, good fortune, cosmic order, creativity and change. It is believed dragon energy can harmonize one’s cosmic consciousness with the physical body. It highlights the interconnectedness of all of us in the universe. The wood element in Chinese archetypes is growth and action-oriented, confidence, manifestation. With the combination of wood and dragon, there is energy that supports dynamic change, creativity, growth and a deepened connection to the cosmos.
With the combination of wood and dragon, there is energy that supports dynamic change, creativity, growth and a deepened connection to the cosmos.
With that in mind, here are my 4 tips to navigate the year of the Wood Dragon:
Trust your growth
Wood = growth. You have the opportunity to grow and evolve - with growth comes change. The acorn doesn’t try to grow into an oak tree, it just does. With the same dynamic force that a dormant seed deep underground breaks through the dark soil into the sunlight, so will you. Let go to change in every now moment. Trust your growth and evolution.
Be flexible
The imbalance of the wood element is rigidity, which can lead to overactive anxiety, anger, and a controlling nature. Lao Tzu says, “A tree that is unbending is easily broken.” See yourself as a sturdy bamboo that can sway with the wind without losing its sense of strength in self.
Be self-responsible
Take ownership for your actions/inactions, your thoughts, fears, denial, and old patterns with greater self-awareness and self-compassion. It is by taking ownership of your energy and releasing identification of being victimized by life/situations without self-judgement that you can intentionally create forward movement. When clearing out these old energies, greater consciousness and change for the better can be welcomed into your body and life.
Go within to balance